Diversified Risk Management has 30+ years of experience in the Workers’ Compensation/Risk Management Industry consulting with employers on Claims Resolutions, ADA/FEHA, Ergonomic Evaluations and Return to Work. We have worked with various Insurance Carriers, TPA’s, Brokers, School Districts, Colleges and Employers. We are skilled at negotiating and resolving problematic claims.
Claims Overview and Resolutions
Assists with negotiations and resolutions of claims, proposal review and evaluation, claims audits, compliance of contracts and insurance requirements. We can provide leadership and resources to assist you in navigating through your claims to identify ways to mitigate exposures.
Return to Work (RTW) Program
This Program is a benefit not only to the Injured/Ill Employee but to the Employer as well. The RTW Program was developed to provide the Injured/Ill Employee the opportunity to recuperate from their incident/illness while being productive in a temporary-transitional position of employment.
Essential Function Job Analyses (EFJA)
Develops Essential Function Job Analyses (EFJA) which are very necessary in expediting your return to work program. Our EFJA’s will clearly define the essential functions of your positions of employment so decisions can be made pertaining to your RTW (Return to Work) decisions.
Since 1993
Your Cost Containment Partner
Diversified Risk Management Services can be your resource for Hands-On troubleshooting in areas of Workers’ Compensation and Risk Management. We meet with you and your Clients to resolve issues and to assure that the appropriate benefits are in line and cases are moving forward towards closure. These services will mitigate your exposure to losses which will assist in saving your resources for other expenses and innovation.
Diversified Risk Management Services identifies and implements Cost Containment Programs to enhance the integrity of cost control for your clients. We can facilitate and implement meetings with Service Providers, Clinic Administrators and Physicians to explore options for your Occupational Clinics and Tele-Medicine. We can facilitate and lead meetings with your clients and potential clients to discuss new rules and regulations. We can organize and lead quarterly meetings with your clients to provide educational training and bring forward new ideas and cost containment programs. We can conduct ergonomic trainings which will empower you to identify problem areas and take corrective action. We can conduct Essential Function Job Analyses to assist in compliance with ADA/DFEHA.
We focus on Customer Service to assure that our clients’ needs and concerns are addressed in a timely and efficient manner. Telephone calls and electronic communications are responded to the same day. Verbal and written reports are provided in an expedient manner so all parties are aware of the status of the activities and services we provide.

Next Steps...
Contact Nancy Stater at 951-205-8897 or e-mail [email protected] to discuss our services or to schedule an appointment for consultation.